The Baryonyx counter-stealth munitions additive can be implemented within adapted conventional munitions in order to target stealth aircraft (jets and UAS,) nullify their stealth and facilitate accurate follow-up strikes...even when a weapons grade target track/lock can't be achieved.
Baryonyx- BXY-6 GOS is a a missile additive that can permit far superior effect during counter-stealth aircraft operations. The use of an incredibly viscous partially-aerosolised expansive hydro gel-adhesive agent (non-harmful) via airburst allows for dispersal over a large area. The aim of the system is the nullification of stealth systems, airframes, and coatings in order to defeat high capitalisation enemy stealth assets and protect allied assets.
Baryonyx liquid can be added via a modular kit to already existing munitions (all anti-air missile systems) with only minimal software adjustment to targeting software.
Baryonyx as a solvent uses a combination of stable expansive substances and adhesive materials. This allows for atomisation (aerosolisation) of an incredibly viscous and adhesive liquid) over a large area via initial round activation (detonation of the missile.) Due to wide area airspace dispersal, high degrees of accuracy aren't required (as with conventional anti-air munitions) and as such, a weapons grade track/lock isn't required on a target in order to have an effect on the stealth aircraft (meaning low-frequency radar and other ISTAR assets can be leveraged for a non-precise track.)
The issue with enemy stealth aircraft isn't our inability to track them, locate them, or even temporarily achieve lock, but our inability to do so with the correct radar bands for a long enough time for AA systems to be effective.
BXY-6 utlises a highly radar reflective gel-adhesive substance in order to increase the radar return of an enemy stealth asset to that equivalent to a 4th generation fighter jet, facilitating a simple and effective follow up strike by conventional air defence missiles.
Otherwise, BXY-6 is effective at denying large areas of strategically important airspace via forming a sort of gel-adhesive dispersed barricade through which the warfighter can affect enemy aircraft movements.
BXY-6 means that the maximum missiles fired in order to defeat an aerial threat is 2: the GOO munition, and the follow up conventional air defence missile.
The lack of need for a weapons grade target lock/track means that radar systems don't require advanced upgrade, saving the warfighter costs in R&D as well as missile targeting systems
The additional feature that we can bring to your AA system facilitates a higher bid win rate for your firm.
Enemy stealth assets are the most expensive to replace, and generally the exquisite backbone of a fighting force. Defeat of these high capitalisation systems in a simple manner allows for economic and strategic advantage to a great degree.
EMC Operations Ltd
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